Day 13.4: An Atheist's Conversation With My Muslim Teacher Thursday, June 26, 2008 |
Labels: day 13, kelas rohani, newspapers, post-NS, religion stuff, teachers
"I started this blog for 2 purposes. 1, to chronicle my days and experiences in Malaysia's National Service for my own future references, and at the same time, 2, to provide a personal insight into the life of a National Service trainee for whoever who would care to read."
"Back from NS, and updating this blog bit by bit. I wrote almost every single day in there!"
Labels: day 13, kelas rohani, newspapers, post-NS, religion stuff, teachers
Labels: day 13, felt great, fun, games, post-NS, sports, tuan komanden
Labels: birthdays, character building classes, day 13, post-NS, prank, tears shed
Labels: conflict, day 13, ketua dorm, laundry, morning, pissed, post-NS
Labels: day 12, kawad practice, non-nudity, washroom
Labels: day 11, pissed, silly mood swings
Labels: character building classes, lunch, teachers
Labels: day 11, felt great, morning
Labels: day 10, football match, kb idol
Labels: bleep test, day 10, racial stuff, riadah
Labels: chinese, day 10, food, indians, malays, rain, sesi bersama tuan komanden, sleep
Labels: day 9, religion stuff, sunday
Labels: chinese, day 9, hospital, kkj, malays, medic, racial stuff
Labels: day 7, mosquitoes, newspapers, racial stuff, teachers
Labels: character building classes, day 7, friends, indians, racial stuff
Labels: day 6, jlb, kelas rohani, nasi lemak, teachers
Labels: character building classes, day 6, depressed, friends, friendship, mosquitoes, shower, toilets
Labels: day 6, malays, racial stuff, teachers
Labels: character building classes, day 5, medic
Labels: character assassination, day 5
Labels: day 4, fitting in, settling down, toilets, washroom
Labels: day 3, fitting in, guys, pissed, settling down
Labels: day 3, fitting in, medic, settling down, shower
Labels: day 2, fitting in, night, settling down
Labels: day 2, fitting in, guys, settling down
Labels: day 2, fitting in, morning, settling down, shower
Just came back to dorm from a welcoming speech session. The teachers welcomed us, told us some of the basic camp rules, like when in the dewan makan, girls are only allowed to sit on this side and guys on the other side, what we're allowed to wear (tutup aurat clothes), what not to wear (baju adiks).
I'm having a hard time getting their jokes.
Back in dorm, the crazy girls are trying on their new shirts and pants, having a great time talking about armpit hair and stuff down below.
My white bed sheet is already stained with mosquito corpses. You can't imagine how many mosquitoes there are here. They attack in swarms. More of them are attacking me as i write. Curse the paya bakaus, if that's what's attracting the mosquitoes.
There're 13 girls in our dorm now. All of us are from Selangor. We're the 1st to arrive. Tomorrow, we're supposed to move to our respective dorms, and also help with the 6 buses of newcomers' luggage.
Lights off.
Labels: day 1, first night, fitting in, settling down
Our bus arrived at Kg Baru NS Camp a little before 4pm. Went through the whole registration process in these classroom looking buildings. Basically filling in forms, getting our uniforms, boots, sport shoes, towels, kiwis, socks and stuff like that which are provided by the camp.
Wasn't exactly enjoying hauling the bags i brought from home + this enormous plastic bag holding the stuff supplied by the camp.
The trainers are quite friendly though, throughout the whole registration process... Asking for my name, asking me how i'm liking it so far, showing me where i should go and what to do next. The pessimist in me fears that this ain't gonna last. Cuz this is just the beginning. As soon as the activities start, they'd probably become all strict to discipline us T.T
Then, we had lunch (Yes, they called it lunch) at 4 something. At 5 something, we were again summoned to the canteen for tea time (bread and tea).
Took a quick shower in the toilet. Disgusting place. Looked like it hasn't been cleaned in years. The walls full of molds, the cubicles teeny-tiny... Only 3 showers were working. The Malays bathed using the kolam. I would never ever shower there. Not even when the cubicles are so tiny i have to take extra care folding my arms in awkward positions so that my towel doesn't rub against the mouldy walls.
Till now, i know 3 girls by name only. The Malay girls are kawayzy, laughing at almost anything, joking around, pulling each other's legs. Kawayzy!!!
I'm having problems communicating with them Malays. Haven't been speaking Malay since SPM years ago.
K, going back to reading my book.
Labels: arrival, day 1, fitting in, settling down, shower
The bus just stopped at a petrol station in Ijok.
Labels: day 1
Just left Shah Alam Stadium. Now on the bus.
I have been at the stadium since 0800. Suffered through 3 whole hours of waiting for departure. Yeah, just sitting there warming hard cold cement with my butt. I'm the earliest to melaporkan diri (How do i say that in English? Report for duty?) for my Kg Baharu Camp.
I think i got the coolest trainers. One wearing wraparound dark sunglasses and sporting spiky hair, the other one seem more like the "kind grandfather" type. (They are, i later learned, Cikgu Khai and Cikgu Rosli)
I'm sitting beside a girl whom i think is the craziest girl in the bus. And an Indian girl asked me whether i'm Chinese or Malay, cuz i'm sitting at the last row with a whole bunch of Malays.
2 more days till i have to leave for National Service...
Was just at Tesco to pick up some stuff.
And packing some other stuff i already have.
(List to be updated)
My aunty asked my mum yesterday whether she's going to be worrying about me when i leave for NS. Mum was all "Of course, so many people die in NS. Summore got food poisoning in some places..."
As someone who's leaving for the Kg Baharu Camp in less than 2 weeks, i'd say i'll be fine, cuz statistically, the chances of survival is quite high.
I mean, i'm pretty sure it wasn't just the food poisoning, lost in the jungle, rape cases etc. that got published in the news that's worrying. Some incidents might be hush-hushed or receive less media attention (although i doubt anything concerning NS would escape the critisicm of some people out there).
But i'll live.
A friend who came back from NS told me this ridiculous rule she and her teammates had to follow: wash their sanitary pads after before they throw them away. I get it that it's the Muslim women's custom to do so, i respect their religion and all, but forcing it on other people as well is just unacceptable, imho. They were actually warned that should any of them did not do so, and got caught (my friend told me they actually conduct checks before you throw your sanitary pads), the punishment is as follows: They'll put your used pad in a bucket of water, then splash that filthy water on you.
How f***ed up is that?
Since i wasn't there myself, i have no idea if it's just to scare the kids or for real. But my friend is quite convinced that they really are going to conduct that kind of punishments.
Oh, one more thing.
On the issue of safety. A couple of guys i know who went to NS came back having learned this "game" from their NS friends, where you press some sort of pressure point on your buddy, and kind of stop blood flow to the brain. I saw them playing one day after class. One of them nearly collapsed.
Fun, eh?
Labels: before ns, ns death, period, safety, sanitary pads
So the official letter came last week, finally.
Less than 2 weeks until i have to leave for Ayer Tawar ^^
Too bad we're not allowed to use our handphones on weekdays. I had mine filled with books from BooksInMyPhone. I'd rather read an actual book, but sometimes when i get somewhat absent-minded, this would come in real handy. Not to mention all the books there are FREE!!!
I finished Cory Doctorow's Little Brother in less than a day, which i downloaded f.o.c from here. I love it so much i'm gonna download all the other Doctorow's books once i finish writing this post.
I used to download txt files from Project Gutenberg, but my SE phone sucks at loading txt files. It takes some time to load (which i totally don't get since they're just plain text files, not rtf or html or anything like that), and i couldn't pause, get out, and come back into reading where i had left off. BooksInMyPhone runs on Java and "remembers" where you left off, though i kinda hope they had a bookmark function too. But what the heck, they're the only good one i can find for the time being, so i'll just have to stick to it.
Less than 2 weeks, and mum seems more anxious about it than me. Buying toiletries, reminding me to bring this bring that, borrowing a larger luggage bag from an aunt because mine's too small... *sigh*
Labels: before ns, books, download, ebook, free, out of topic