Day 12.3: Watched Kem Kampung Baru, Air Tawar Kumpulan 1 Siri 3/2006 video
The teachers played us a video, sort of like a montage of shaky handheld camera recordings of the 2006's Kumpulan 1 Siri 3 undergoing the various NS activities complete with cheesy background music and the oh-so-familiar Windows Movie Maker transition effects. Started from their 1st day of lapor diri, to their one-day-in-the-"jungle", to their closing ceremony performances...
Not much difference between the 2006 batch's and us 2008 Kumpulan 3 Siri 5, comparing from what we've already been through and the beginning of the video. Different faces different trainees, same cikgus same activities.
It's also rather obvious that the Kumpulan 1 trainees consists mostly of the typical youngsters fresh out from school, some nerds and geeks here and there. You know, those who actually graduated from high school and probably are going to move on to pre-university studies, getting their diplomas or degrees. Unlike us Kumpulan 3 people: lots of high school and even primary school dropouts who have since joined the work force, and quite a number of those who deferred earlier and is now forced to join NS or risk fines. Which explains the comparatively large number of older than 18-year-olds.
Anyway, back to the vid. It made me look forward even more to the outdoor activities, the building huts in the woods and firing M16 rifle. w00t!